Black Bear Roaming on a Country Farm in Perry County
I have several family members who live in Perry County, Pennsylvania. Some live in small towns while others live in the country working on their farms. The county is rural and small towns, you won’t find any large cities. You’ll often see wildlife along the road or out in the open fields.
For example…while driving down the road I spotted this large adult black bear crossing the road. He or She was heading into the cornfield…I’m assuming to grab a bite to eat. I pulled over so that I wouldn’t hit or scare the bear. While waiting for it to get across…snapped a few photos. Bear attacks are unusual around here, so it’s important to keep your distance.
The majority of the time you never see stuff like this down in the city (although there have been bear sightings from time to time in the city too), so it was a real treat to spot this one crossing the road. I’m happy to report…they got across safely and on his/her way.