What to Do After a Minor Car Accident

What to Do After a Minor Car AccidentHave you ever been in a minor car accident? I’m sure most people have. It’s important that if and when one occurs that you know what to do. It’s recommended that you keep all important documents like your car’s registration, insurance information, your emergency medical information in your vehicle, so that it’s handy when the time arises.

1. Keep your cool. It’s a stressful time for everyone involved and emotions are running high.

2. Evaluate injuries. If needed, call for emergency help right away. Don’t delay on seeking medical treatment.

3.  Safety. If possible, move vehicles to the side of the road or to a nearby safe location. They don’t recommend letting them block traffic or in an area where they can be struck by oncoming or passing traffic.

4. Call the police to get the incident documented. You would be surprised at how many people carry around fake documents, expired insurance cards, give ficticious names, and how their stories change after a few days. Get the accident documented by the police.

5. Exchange all important information. Get copies of paperwork from the responding officer. If you have a cellphone (most of us do), take your own photographs and video. Don’t make any monetary or insurance agreements at the roadside.

6. Follow-up. You need to contact your insurance company to report the accident. It’s also a good idea to follow-up with the police department who responded. If you have any medical issues, follow-up with your doctor…at the very least for a standard physical and check-up.

7. Legal Assistance. If you feel you need an attorney you can ask for recommendations from family, friends, and co-workers. The police department may be able to recommend a law group too.

Being involded in a vehicular accident, large or small is a stressful time for everyone involved. Keep calm and f let the professionals handle as much of it as they can.

The photograph in this post is from a minor accident that I was involved in 3 months ago when that car struck the backend of my truck. Luckily, no injuries. However, knowing what to do saved me stress, time, and money.

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