Preview Sunday Week of September 25th

Autumn PumpkinsToday is Sunday, September 25th, 2022. This coming week, we have some fabulous product reviews and giveaways that you are going to enjoy! Today, I am sharing just a tease of what I’ll will be posting this week for all of you to see! Let’s get to it!!!

Stuff for Pets
Health and Wellness Items
Craft Projects
Cleaning Products & Tips
Beauty & Skincare Items
DVDs for Movie Night
Arts and Craft Books
+ More

The Annual Holiday Gift Guide kicks off on October 1st and will run through December 20th this year. We’ve got some really unique and affordable gift ideas that we’ll be featuring this year. Nothing will be priced more than $100 with majority of the items being less than $30 per gift! Yay! We know everyone is on a budget this year and we’re focusing on that!


  1. gloria patterson says

    For me holiday gift guides are a blessing. I never know what is the in thing etc to get for my great nieces and nephews. These guide help me find stuff that the kids love

  2. I am getting excited about the Holiday Gift Guide. Looking forward to seeing everything.

  3. Jo-Ann Brightman says

    This looks ;like another good week even if the Holiday Gift Guide has not yet started. I am very glad that this year all of the the bideas are going to be affordable.