Beautiful Beach Theme Street Art in Wildwood
We enjoy visiting Wildwood in New Jersey several times a year. Every time we’re down on the island we discover new pieces of outdoor street art. We love the flair that it adds to buildings, electrical boxes, doors, water towers, etc. Sure is prettier than looking at solid color paint!
Today we wanted to show you just a few things that we saw on a recent trip down on the island. Let’s start with the colorful beach balls. You’ll find all kinds of outdoor street art featuring them. You’ll find the design painted on several water towers, on the main street coming onto the island, on the sides of buildings and up by the convention center and boardwalk you’ll find actual beach balls (made out of cement) that you can sit on for picture taking purposes!
The main drag coming onto the island is called Rio Grande Avenue. Along that main avenue and along Pacific Avenues you’ll see electrical boxes on the street corners at red light intersections that have been painted with really cool Wildwood and beach designs. I’ve spotted 4 different ones on this particular trip…but I’m sure there are more!
Up in North Wildwood we spotted a small mural painted on the side of the Elks building. It says Greater Wildwood Elks and advertises their lodge. I really shouldn’t say small…it’s at least 5 foot tall in size from the tippy top to the bottom. Always hard to get a nice shot of it due to traffic and parking.
I wanted to give you a little look at some of the street art that we see when visiting the island. It’s every where and we love it! Every time we travel to any destination we seek it out. Always fun to see new murals and other fun things while traveling. Plus, many of these are done by local artists and/or companies in the area.