Strawberry Full Moon over the Atlantic Ocean

We were down at the shore during the middle of June 2022 and were treated to two night in a row of a strawberry full moon! It was gorgeous out over the Atlantic Ocean. Seriously, one of the prettiest natural things that I’ve seen in a very long time.

Strawberry Full Moon over the Atlantic Ocean

A strawberry moon is when the full moon takes on a pinkish glow. We had heard about it and made sure we watched the sunset that night. What we didn’t know is that the very next night we saw it again! Everyone was out on the beach, their balconies, the boardwalk, etc. checking out the strawberry moon!

It’s really difficult to get it to show up on camera…so that photo was the best I could do. I was standing up on the balcony watching the moon out over the Atlantic Ocean. It was incredible and well-worth viewing!

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