Mailbox Monday for August 2022
Time for our monthly MAILBOX MONDAY for August 2022. The first Monday of every month you’ll see our Mailbox Monday Meme. It will cover the previous month and we invite all of our readers to participate. If you’re a blogger, you can participate too by sharing our MEME on your blog.
Last month we got a few things in our mailbox. Let’s take a peek.
First up…hubby won 6 boxes of EcoSmart Light Bulbs which he was happy about! After they arrived he went around the house changing out light bulbs. I’ll let you know how we like them in a few weeks. In addition to that, he won 2 puzzles from a blog giveaway. During the winter time he likes to sit down and build puzzles to pass the time. At our age, we don’t go outside and play in the snow. From a social media giveaway I won a $25 Starbuck’s gift card which we’ll use while traveling. We’re always stopping into Starbuck’s or Dunkin Donuts to grab coffee while on road trips.
Okay, so what kind of goodies arrived in your mailbox last month? Now is your time to brag about them! Tell us about those freebies, samples, prizes, gifts, etc. that you received.