We Must Recycle and Upcycle – Marine Debris Timeline

Have you ever thought about how long it takes a piece of trash or debris to completely dissolve in our waterways and oceans? It can take weeks to centuries! Trash and debris should never be tossed into our planet’s water supply. It hurts our drinking water and it harms the animals that call those places home!

Marine Debris Timeline

While on vacation I took a photograph of the Marine Debris Timeline and wanted to share some of the information with the readers on this blog. We ALL need to do better!

Newspapers – 6 Weeks
Cardboard Box – 2 Months
Waxed Milk Carton – 3 Months
Biodegradable Baby Diaper – 1 Year
Painted Wooden Stick – 13 Years
Styrofoam Buoy – 90 Years
Plastic 6-Pack Can Ring – 400 Years
Plastic Bottle – 450 Years
Monofilament Fishing Line – 600 Years

That’s just a small sampling! You can check out the rest of the information in my photograph. Astonishing to think that it takes 200 years for an Aluminum Can! Oh my gosh…YES, we all need to do better to keep our planet clean!

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