Mailbox Monday for July 2022
Time for our monthly MAILBOX MONDAY for July 2022. The first Monday of every month you’ll see our Mailbox Monday Meme. It will cover the previous month and we invite all of our readers to participate. If you’re a blogger, you can participate too by sharing our MEME on your blog. Just a fun little way to brag about all of the special FREE things that we’ve received.
Last month Hubby won a set of 3 Action and Drama DVDs from a blog giveaway. We watched all 3 of them and they were great! Nice additions to our video collection. In addition to that I won a tube of expensive hand cream and received several skinscare and beauty samples that I applied for online. Also….last month was my birthday so I got several birthday cards and 4 gifts arrived in the mail. Even though I’m a year older…I still love celebrating my birthday ever year!
What kind of goodies, samples, freebies, prizes, etc. did you receive in the mailbox last month? Did you get anything worth bragging about? Let us know in the blog’s comment form below!