How to Create a Good Oral Hygiene Regime with your Kids

How to Create a Good Oral Hygiene Regime with your KidsOf course, we adults are well aware of the importance of a thorough oral hygiene regime, yet young kids don’t have the mental capacity to take such stuff onboard and it can be a challenge to get children interested on oral hygiene. We asked a child-friendly dentist for ways to help kids understand the need for a good oral hygiene regime and here are the suggestions.

* Make brushing & flossing fun – This takes a bit of energy and enthusiasm, but if you can manage to find a way to make brushing and flossing fun, you should be able to set up a routine. It doesn’t take long for a routine to become second nature and you could award prizes for a good job. Register the family with the best  dentist and consult a child-friendly dentist about ways to educate children on oral hygiene.

* Make good use of online resources – One great example of this is the Sesame Street toothbrushing game, which is designed to teach kids how to brush and floss effectively. Take an hour and search online for such free resources and watching a few oral hygiene cartoons, your kids will learn the importance of correct brushing & flossing. Here are a few things that you can do to help the seniors in your community.

* Brush & floss as a family – This is a very effective way to inject some fun into the action of brushing and flossing. You and your partner can be perfect role model; play some lively music and be creative in the way you engage with your kids. Parents that put the effort into encouraging their kids to have a good oral hygiene are rewarded, as the routine soon becomes a regime.

* Read your kids stories about dental care – There are a few books with stories to teach children the importance of oral care and reading these tales will have a positive impact on your kids. Typically, such a story would involve a child who ignored the advice of others and didn’t brush or floss, then their teeth turned black and they had no friends. Listening to such tales can really impact a young child and that is all it takes to set them on a good oral hygiene program.

* Family dental check-ups – Why not book the entire family in for dental check-ups on the same day? This allows the dentist like this reliable invisalign dentist to inspect your children’s teeth and gums and we recommend every 6 months for oral examinations. Find a local dentist who is child-friendly and they can assist in educating your kids about the importance of good oral hygiene.

From about the age of 3 years, a child can visit the dental clinic and a good dentist will make the experience a fun one. Here is some Australian government information about oral care in children. We hope that this article has helped you in your quest to discover ways to get your kids interested in oral care.