6 Common Cat Health Issues to Look Out For

6 Common Cat Health IssuesAs a pet owner, the worst thing that you could ever imagine happening is that your pet strikes ill. However, this is something that is common among all pets, including cats. Cats are a staple piece in most family households as they are treated much more than a pet, but instead as a part of the family. Cats are loveable creatures that will show you an incredible amount of love and gift you with some amazing, heartfelt memories. However, cats are also animals which carry a lot of common health issues. Read on to find out what common cat health issues to look out for.


Cancer is, unfortunately, a health issue that all pets and humans can end up getting. In simple terms, cancer is a build-up of diseased cells which will eventually start spreading around your body at alarming rates. There are various types of cancers that cats can actually have, and just like humans, the cells can be in one area, like a tumour, or generalised, which is when they spread around your body. You can save yourself so much money for any future bills if you take out insurance from places such as petsure.com.


Diabetes is another common health issue that can result in cats. Again, just like humans, the condition can become very complex when trying to treat the animal. Diabetes is caused by a lack of insulin or the body is unable to respond to the insulin it is producing. When a cat eats, its body then goes through the process of breaking up the food into components, including glucose, and carries the cells by insulin. If they are unable to produce or respond to insulin, then their blood sugars will rise. This could have disastrous results and could end up in the cat having hyperglycaemia.

Feline Leukemia Virus (FLV)

This virus was first discovered less than 70 years ago and is now highlighted as an issue that all cat owners should look out for. FLV is a RNA retrovirus which almost shuts down a cat’s complete immune system. This will make them vulnerable to a lot of diseases and can cause deaths in cats, especially domestic ones.


Heartworm is an infectious disease that is spread by mosquitoes. The disease has been formally recognised as one of the major underlying conditions that many cats suffer from, and domestic cats are normally at the forefront of the problems. The disease is known for causing severe issues within the cat’s lungs and can be extremely tedious for your pet.

High rise syndrome

As the summer months are in, many pet owners are eager to let in as much fresh air as they can for their feline friends. However, this can be an extremely naïve decision, especially if you’re one that lives in a high tenement building. Cats will often glee at the opportunity that they can look at the outside from the comforts of their own home. Pet owners need to realize that, sometimes, our pets may be a little unstable, this can result in cats falling or even jumping from high buildings which, in a lot of cases, can end in death.


Rabies is most commonly known as a ‘dog disease’, however, we’re here to tell you that this is incorrect. Cats are well-known for contracting rabies and if they do get it, it will most likely lead to disastrous effects for your cat. The viral disease will affect their brain and spinal cord. Give your cat the necessary vaccines when they are a kitten to avoid this.


All pet owners have a love for their animals, however, cat owners just have that little bit extra. To ensure your cats’ safety, make sure that you give them all of the required vaccines that they need as a kitten.