Seashell Angel Wings Selfies in North Wildwood
If you’re going to visit North Wildwood and looking for a fun place to take a few selfies or family photos…look for the seashell angel wings up on the beach! An artist made them and they put them out on the beach (seasonally) for residents and visitors to enjoy. As a seashell lover and collector…I think it’s very cool.
Since today’s my Birthday I wanted to show you and my hubby taking photos of one another with the seashell angel wings. They turned out pretty cool and a memory we’ll treasure forever! I’m going to get the photos photo-shopped to clean them up a bit and then we’re going to frame them. We have a family photo wall in our home where the majority of photographs are displayed.
It was really fun to find them and to do this! If you’re going to visit the Wildwood island, head on up to North Wildwood and you’ll find them right up on the beach. Very cool!