Preview Sunday Week of June 19th

Pink Flip Flops - SummerToday is Sunday, June 19th,, 2022. This coming week, we have some fabulous product reviews and giveaways that you are going to enjoy! Today, I am sharing just a tease of what I’ll will be posting this week for all of you to see! Oh yeah…Today’s my Birthday! Happy Birthday to me!!!

Arts and Craft Books
Stuff for Pets
Beauty and Skincare Products
Upcycling & Refinishing Furniture
Articles and Helpful Tips
Easy to Make Craft Projects
Weekly Travel Feature
Summer Cleaning Tips
Art and Craft Supplies (not books)
DVDs for Movie Night
+ More

What’s your go-to device for surfing the web? Reading this blog? Do you use a desktop, laptop computer, tablet, or phone? I use the laptop when I’m writing blog posts and working on the blog. I use my tablet when I shopping and surfing the web. I only use my phone for social media stuff.