Using Baskets to Organize Pet Supplies and Toys
I use a lot of baskets around my home to keep things organized and clutter-free. I use them for all kinds of different things! They’re great for holding kids toys, throw blankets & pillows, cookbooks, gardening accessories, extra things in your pantry, bath linens for guests, extra paper goods like toilet paper & paper towels, etc. They’re excellent for storing and organizing pet items.
We have baskets in our family room, living room, kitchen and master bedroom just for pet items.
Kitchen – We use them to hold cans of cat food, dry food, catnip, and treats.
Living and Family Rooms – Used to store cat toys like balls, spinners, feathers, toy mice, etc.
Sunroom – To hold Romeo’s harness, leash, extra collar, blanket, and his outdoor accessories.
Guest Bathroom – Great for keeping pet shampoo, grooming brushes, nail trimmers, drying towels, etc. All of a pet’s grooming supplies.
Master Bedroom – It holds his extra blankets and toys.
When I’m out shopping I’m always looking for great deals on baskets and other organizing items. I found this pop-up, expandable basket at Hobby Lobby. It was originally priced $24.99 and was on final clearance for $5.99. I picked it up with the intention of using it to hold extra cat toys in our family room. One of the things I really like about this basket is that it’s light-weight and collapses for easy storage.
Every basket that comes into our home is inspected by Romeo and has to get his seal of approval. After inspecting this particular one he fell asleep inside it. Yes, he squeezed himself in it! I guess that means that it’s Romeo approved!
Baskets are a great organizing accessory that you can use all around your home to keep things cleaned up, organized, and clutter-free. They’re pleasing to the eye and look a heck of a lot better than plastic or cardboard storage boxes. At least in my honest opinion!
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