Tips for Repainting Garden Yard Art Figures and Statues
I have a lot of small to medium sized figures and statues throughout my flower beds and gardens. Some that I have are 15+ years old and have sentimental value to me. Over the years those items can get beaten up by the weather and broken down. I had several that were in poor shape and needed to be repaired.
Tips for Repainting Garden Yard Art Figures and Statues
1. Inspect the item and look for damage. Some things are beyond repair while other things just need a minor fix. You need to look them over really well…top to bottom and side to side. I toss out any that have huge cracks or holes.
2. Scrub them up with soapy water (recommend using Dawn Liquid Dish Soap). I like to use an old tooth brush and a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser to get the dirt, grime, and crud off of them. Rinse with clean water. Let dry for a day or two if you plan on painting them.
3. Make necessary repairs. If you need to glue something, patch a hole, tighten a screw, replace a wire, etc. do it after they’ve been cleaned & dried.
4. I had several that had lost their color over the years from sun-fade and the weather elements. I decided to repaint them using acrylic craft paint. The turtle shown in this post was completely painted using acrylic paint…2-3 coats to get the coverage that I needed. Let each coat dry for 45-60 minutes before adding another coat. Let dry overnight.
5. Whether you paint them or not….each item should be sprayed EVERY YEAR with 2-3 light coats of clear acrylic spray sealer. This will help protect them from the weather elements. I like to do mine at the beginning of every Spring Season. You can pick up clear acrylic spray sealer at your local craft supply store, hardware store, Amazon, Home Depot, etc. Once sprayed you need to let it cure. I recommend placing them in a warm and dry place for 2 days before placing them back outside.
The top photograph in my post shows a completely furbished and repainted turtle that I completed 2 weeks ago. The second photograph in my post shows the BEFORE. As you can see the color was completely faded from it and it had a lot of dirt and debris stuck in small crevices. Most people would of tossed into the trash but I knew with a little bit of work it could be saved!
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