Two Classy Chics Week in Review April 1st

Spring Season - Pink TulipsToday is Friday, April 1st, 2022. Welcome to the Friday ~ Week in Review post! I will be doing these posts every Friday to update you all on what happened throughout the week, so everyone can get caught up on the things they may of missed! HAPPY ARIL FOOL’S DAY!!!!

Quote of the Week: The only good thing about punctuality is that it usually gets you an apology. — Author unknown


Creative Acrylics A Step-by-Step Beginners Guide
The Ultra Power Battle Game


Rick and Morty Seasons 1-5 on DVD
Spongelle Oil Diffusers
Breath Savers Protect Breath Mints
Interactive, Rechargeable and Fun Cat Toys

General Posts, Recipes, Crafts and More:

Hand Painted Easter Bunny Peeps Seashells
Why a Rolls Royce is the Ultimate Luxury Car
Home Remedies for Treating a Minor Case of Hives
Key Reasons to Hire a Keynote Speaker
Double Chocolate Popcorn Balls Recipe
A Stroll Down the Boardwalk in Wildwood
Baked Sweet Potato Casserole Recipe

How do you feel about April Fools Day? Do you like playing tricks and pranks on other people or does it get on your nerves? Has anyone ever pranked you on this day and if so, what kind of prank was it? I personally don’t prank people as I don’t like it being done to me. Yeah, I know, I’m a party pooper!