Mailbox Monday for March 2022

Mailbox MondayTime for our monthly MAILBOX MONDAY for March 2022. The first Monday of every month you’ll see our Mailbox Monday Meme. It will cover the previous month and we invite all of our readers to participate. If you’re a blogger, you can participate too by sharing our MEME on your blog.

The Mailbox Monday Meme is about celebrating all of those fun things we get in our mailbox every month! These items can be giveaways/contest prizes that you won, freebie samples you snagged from the internet, gifts you received from loved ones, etc. What doesn’t it include? Yucky bills.

Valentine's Day Chocolate Candy Box

Hand Sanitizer Travel Size

My grandchildren got me a big box of chocolates for Valentine’s Day! From an IG giveaway my husband won 12 bottles of hand sanitizer. I gave 8 of them to family members and kept four for us. Along with the hand sanitizer we received 25 medical-grade face masks and 4 cloth face masks, a tub of cleaning wipes and a spray can of disinfectant. We can always use those things! Hubby won 2 Star Wars model kits from a website giveaway that he was pretty happy about.

What kind of free samples, prizes, contests, gifts, etc. did you get last month? Now is your time to brag all about it!

Shelly's Signature