Life-Saving and Important Tornado Safety Tips
Tornados can occur at any time of the year, although they occur more frequently during the spring, summer, and early fall months depending on where you live. It’s important that you memorize all safety tips and have a family plan should the time ever arrive that you need to utilize it. If you have young children in the family, practice your safety plan with them on a regular basis.
There are a lot of great websites online that will teach you important tornado safety tips and what to do when a tornado watch or warning is issued for your area. Here are a few websites that I found to be most helpful.
CDC Center for Disease Control and Prevention
In early September 2021, Mullical Hill in New Jersey got hammered with a tornado clocking 150+ MPH winds. We travel through Mullica Hill several times every year traveling back and forth to the south Jersey Shore. It’s a beautiful area that we love to visit.
While traveling through the area in October 2021 I was able to snap a few photos of the tornado damage. It was the perfect reminder to refresh my memory of the important safety tips that me and my family need to know and to come up with a family safety plan.
Springtime is an active tornado season so I thought it would be a good time to remind all of our TCC blog readers to update themselves on the tips they need to know. Please take the time to read the information on the three websites provided in my post. STAY SAFE!!!
* Note – The photo in my post is one that I personally took of the damage in Mullica Hill, New Jersey.