Is Your Garden Child Safe? 6 Things to Check
If you have children or are planning to have them in the future, when you are looking for a new home one of your priorities might be finding somewhere with a garden. Most parents look forward to summers spent outdoors, playing with the kids, splashing in the paddling pool, enjoying picnics on the grass, and inviting their friends around for afternoons in the sun.
When you have a family garden, you’ve got a safe space for them to play, explore, grow in strength and confidence and learn more about the world around them. You’ve also got a great opportunity for cheap, or even free activities and a wonderful way to spend time together as a family. But only if your garden is safe for them to play in. If not, you’ve got a dangerous place for young children to get hurt or to become unwell. If you want your kids to be able to enjoy all the opportunities that a family garden brings, here are six things that you should check.
Is it Enclosed?
The last thing that you want is for your children to wander out of the garden when you aren’t looking, or, for someone else to come in while they are out playing. You might try to watch them all of the time, but young children can do a lot in those few seconds when we look away, so an enclosed garden with high fences and a lockable gate is a must.
Are There Pests?
Unfortunately, the presence of pests isn’t always obvious. There might be insects that eat away at your plants, but also bugs and nests that could harm your children. If you have a shed or outbuilding, you might even find that mice and rats have set up home over the winter. Look for signs of pests including bite marks, scratches, droppings, and holes in leaves and get in touch with a pest control company. It can be tempting to try to deal with pests alone, but if you have kids, it’s worth getting in touch with a Wolverhampton pest control firm to make sure they are completely removed.
Are Chemicals and Tools Locked Away?
Most of us use chemicals and tools to keep our garden healthy and looking its best. Make sure these are locked away and out of reach before letting your kids go out into the garden.
Do You Have a Water Feature?
Water features are very attractive, but they can also be dangerous. Even very shallow water is hazardous for young children. If you do have a feature, make sure it’s fenced off, and as your children get older, start to teach them how to stay safe before you remove the fence.
Is There a Soft Surface for Play?
Grass or artificial grass is ideal for kids to play on because it’s soft. If your garden is mainly decking or patio, consider laying soft mats for play, at least while your children are young.
Are Your Plants Safe?
Most plants are safe, but some can be toxic. Make sure any that you buy are safe and be sure to teach your children not to touch plants, to wash their hands if they do, and never to put anything in their mouths, just in case.
As your children get older, you can start to remove some of the safety features from your garden, just as you would inside the house. But make sure you teach them about garden safety before you do.