A Stormy and Foggy Day at the Jersey Shore

A Stormy and Foggy Day at the Jersey ShoreWe love spending time down at the Jersey Shore and go down several times every year. Matter of fact, we call the North Wildwood area our second home. If you’ve never visited the area…it’s beautiful. In my honest opinion, the prettiest area at the south Jersey Shore.

A few weeks ago we were down on a visit and a few thunderstorms had rolled in. We had 3 storms in one day! In between the storms we walked over to the beach to take a look at the angry Atlantic Ocean. The surf was kicked up, high tide was higher than normal and the fog was pretty heavy! At times you could barely see one block down!

A Stormy and Foggy Day at the Jersey Shore

The one storm went on for a little over an hour and you could hear the heavy rain hitting the roof and windows along with the wind howling between the buildings. It got really dark and you just knew you were going to get hard! (and we did!). The power went out and onto generator for the next 4 1/2 hours.

When you walked outside between storms you could hardly breathe. The humidity was high due to all of the moisture in the air. It wasn’t hot outside but humid…totally different things. Standing along the Atlantic Ocean the air was chilly and the sand was blowing stinging your face at times. Trust me, it stings when it slams against your bare skin.

A Stormy and Foggy Day at the Jersey Shore

People who have never seen the ocean don’t realize that the water appears gray on cloudy days, not blue like you see in all of those nice summertime beach day photographs. One good thing about a storm is that you can usually find a lot of great seashells after a storm has passed…especially if you go out shelling during lowtide.

I bet your wondering…did Shelly go out and find some goodies for her seashell collection? You bet I did. I never pass up the opportunity to walk the beach and look for shells. On that particular day I was able to collect 4 large whelk shells, several moon shells and a few other goodies. No sand dollars as the surf was too rough (broken pieces only on that day).

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