Spending Time at the Hereford Inlet Lighthouse

Hereford Inlet LighthouseThe Hereford Inlet Lighthouse is a beautiful victorian-style lighthouse located in North Wildwood, New Jersey. It’s free to visit and you’ll find beautifully landscaped botanical gardens in the front and back of the lighthouse. All plants are native to the state.

As you walk around you’ll find a shaded gazebo that you can sit in and several park benches throughout the gardens. If you want to see gorgeous views of the inlet and the Atlantic Ocean, head out back and follow the path up to the Seawall. It’s the prettiest part on the island.

Hereford Inlet Lighthouse

Families love to visit and get photographs. There are several areas that you can get really nice family photos…including the 2 wooden NWW row boats that sit out back up near the seawall. Cameras are permitted on the property.

If you want to tour the inside of the lighthouse you’ll have to pay an admission fee. They have a little video you can watch that gives you the history of the light, the keepers who have taken care of it over the years, etc. There’s a small gift shop to pick up a few souvenirs there too.

Hereford Inlet Lighthouse

Throughout the year they host various educational and fundraising events. They used to hold an annual lighthouse festival that we loved to attend, but since the lighthouse has come under new management…those festivals have ceased.

The photographs in my post were taken during our visit in June 2021.

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