Finding the Beauty in Nature During the Wintertime

Willow Tree at Boyer HouseTwenty-Five years ago I started walking year-round with my Mom. During the spring and fall months we like to walk 4-5 times a week. During the winter and hot summer months we go out 3-4 times a week. It’s a nice way to spend time together while getting some exercise and fresh air.

Last month we took a 15 minute drive to a place called the Boyer House. It’s a historic house that has been around for over a century. They turned the house and property into a little outdoor park. You’ll find a paved and unpaved walking trail, and a little parking lot on the premises.

Stream on Boyer House Property

A lot of nearby families like to go there to walk and have a little bit of outdoor fun. It’s also a hot spot for people who are looking to get family photos, engagement pictures, senior & graduation photos, etc. It’s a beautiful little area right outside of the city.

Nature is so beautiful even during the wintertime with or without snow on the ground. When walking outside you do need to be careful of slip and falls. We only go out when the weather permits and always with each other. Walking alone is never a good thing.

Boyer House - Old Water Pump

In my post today you’ll find a few photographs from our walk and visit to the historic Boyer House. We’ll be going back again in the late spring to see all of the flowers and trees in bloom. I bet that its gorgeous too!

Shelly's Signature