Sunflower Oil for Hair

Sunflower Oil for HairSunflower oil for hair is a natural way to care for your hair and scalp. It can be used as a conditioner, deep conditioning treatment, or hot oil treatment. Sunflower oil is packed with vitamins and minerals that are great for your skin and hair!

What Type of Hair Does Sunflower Oil Work Best On?

Sunflower oil for hair works best on processed or heat-treated hair. It can be used as a hot oil treatment, deep conditioning treatment, and conditioner. If you have dry or dull hair then you should definitely apply sunflower oil on it.

What Type Of Sunflower Oil Should I Use?

It’s important to know your ingredients! The more natural the sunflower oil is, the better. Look for cold pressed organic oils that are unrefined and hexane free. There should not be any added chemicals in unrefined sunflower oils either – look for recipes with just pure oils like this one.

It Moisturizes Your Scalp

Not only does it moisturize your hair, but sunflower oil for hair also helps to hydrate and soften the scalp. It’s great for those who suffer from dry or irritated. The oil helps to soothe any itching or flaking that you might have going on in your scalp.

Sunflower Oil Is a Great Natural Conditioner

Sunflower oil is a natural conditioner that can be used as a deep conditioning treatment once every week or two weeks. If you have extremely damaged dry hair then this should be done even more often than that! You can use other oils such as pumpkin seed oil in place of sunflower if you prefer another type of smell and benefits better fit your needs.

It Helps Prevent Hair Loss

If you are looking for a natural alternative to minoxidil or finasteride, then sunflower oil is the answer! It helps prevent hair loss because it keeps your scalp moisturized and healthy. Healthy skin means stronger roots which help fight off dandruff or other flaky issues that can cause breakage.

It Boosts the Growth of Hair

If you use sunflower oil for hair, then it will help promote the growth of your hair. When used as a hot oil treatment or deep conditioning treatment, it provides nourishment and hydration to the roots which helps with any breakage that might have been going on before. This is especially great if you are trying to grow out your hair!

It Strengthens Your Hair

The vitamins and minerals that are packed inside of sunflower oil also helps to strengthen your hair! It’s a great way to treat any breakage or damage going on in the roots. Sun flower oil is a natural moisturizer which keeps your scalp hydrated, nourished, and healthy – all things you need for strong locks!

How Can You Apply Sunflower Oil On Your Hair?

There are a few ways that you can apply sunflower oil for hair. One of the best ways is to use it as a hot oil treatment, deep conditioning treatment or conditioner! You will want to make sure you choose an organic cold pressed unrefined hexane free type like this one.

If your need some extra moisture in your scalp then apply it there too – just be careful not to get any on the roots because it might weigh down your strands and cause them droop since they aren’t used to all of that nourishment yet. Another option would be adding a teaspoon into your shampoo while washing – but if you do this I recommend doing so every other time instead of everyday (or more) because otherwise it could build up and cause some problems.

Don’t Keep Sunflower Oil in Your Head for Longer Period of Time

Sunflower oil is great for your hair but you don’t want to leave it in too long because then the buildup will start happening. I recommend leaving this type of treatment (hot oil, deep conditioning etc.) on anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour or two if possible – and make sure that you rinse very well with shampoo afterwards! Keeping the sunflower oil in your head for longer periods of time can make your hair greasy and the oil may stuck in the pores of your skin.

How Often Should You Apply Sun Flower Oil to Your Hair?

You should apply sun flower oil once every week or two weeks depending upon how often you wash your strands. If they are looking dry then definitely use more often than that! Make sure to keep it away from the roots when applying though otherwise your locks could end up feeling greasy which no one wants. This goes without saying but also be careful when you are rinsing it out to make sure that none gets in your eyes!


As you can see, sun flower oil for hair is a great natural way to treat processed or heat-treated damaged dry and dull locks! It’s packed with vitamins and minerals that keep your scalp healthy as well as fight off dandruff issues which help prevent breakage. Sunflower oil also helps promote the growth of new strong strands while it strengthens them too.