5 Tips for Choosing the Best Bail Bonds Company
With tough economic times, more people turn to low-cost bail bond agents instead of traditional bonding agents to get back on their feet. However, this doesn’t mean they’ll be paying less in the long run. Some people assume that the bail bonds company they find first will be the best option. But, as with anything else in life, it’s worth taking your time and doing your research before making any final decisions. Here are some things to think about when choosing a bail bond agent.
Use a Licensed, Reputable Firm
Before signing a contract, always find a bail bondsman near me that is recognized by the state. Working with a bail bonds agent that does not have the right certificates can have serious consequences, so only choose an agent who has what you’re looking for. A bail bond agent with a track record of actually getting people out of jail quickly should be your first choice. If your problem is that you can’t make bail or can’t afford the bond, consider working with a bail bond company that offers money for your bond.
Referrals to an Attorney
The bail bonds industry employs most bond dealers, and they won’t give you their direct contact information or a list of their other agents unless they’ve done business with you in the past. You’ll want to look at the state attorney’s website in your area to see if they’re affiliated with the bail bonds industry. They’ll likely give you the name and contact information of the lawyer who represents the bail bonds agency.
Most agencies also have an “adviser” panel. This is the lawyer assigned to make sure the bondsman is doing everything by the book and doesn’t run afoul of the law.
Get Friendly With the Detention Officers
You’ll probably spend a lot of time with your bail bonds twin cities while you’re locked up. Make sure you can trust the person or company to keep you safe while you’re behind bars. Ask to speak with the detention officer personally so you can get to know who they recommend. Check out the services offered by your bail bondsman to understand what they can do to help you if you have been arrested or detained.
Choose an Available Company 24/7
Bonding is obviously a crucial part of the process. Before choosing a bail bonds company, consider how close they are to your local courts and how much customer service they provide. An agent that’s open for business 24 hours a day will be much more likely to be around when you need them, and therefore, will be more responsive and secure.
Choose a Company That Works With All Forms of Payments
Some people have the most unfortunate luck of getting locked up for a crime they didn’t commit. This situation is very stressful for everyone, but things might be slightly different if you choose a bond company that uses over one form of payment.
Bail bond companies come in all shapes and sizes and can cover anything from DWI bail bonds to unconditional bail bonds. Some of them have been around for a while, and others are just starting. Regardless of the bonds you’re using, ensure you choose the best.