Beautiful Fall Foliage in Central Pennsylvania

Beautiful Fall Foliage in Central PennsylvaniaDuring the Autumn season we enjoy taking walks in local parks and throughout our neighborhood community. The colorful fall foliage is a motivator to get outside and enjoy some fresh air before winter arrives. Walking is great exercise for our bodies too!

Last week we took a walk through the apartment complex that my husband manages. He’s been there 8 years and loves his job. He loves the residents in his community which are all friendly and helpful to one another. It’s a great place to work and live!

Beautiful Fall Foliage in Central Pennsylvania

On the one side of the property there are a ton of colorful leaves. The landscapers where there the day we were taking our walking raking them up and doing some leaf blowing to get them off of the sidewalks. I love how colorful they are and they really show you that Autumn is definitely here.

Do you enjoy going out to see some of the Fall Foliage? We love it and next weekend we’re going to take a drive up north (about 90 minutes from our home) to see some of the colorful foliage there. I really wish that “peak” season lasted a little bit longer than 10-12 days! It’s been gorgeous outside!

Shelly's Signature


  1. Jo-Ann Brightman says

    Your area ius very pretty. I love seeing the fall foliage although it came late this year to my section.

  2. I have been so enjoying the fall foliage here. I just got home from doing some shopping and on my way home I was enjoying all the reds, orange, gold and green shades of the leaves on the trees.

  3. We took a drive into the mountains last weekend and the Tamaracks were in full color. It was just spectacular. The Maple trees around my area are making a beautiful canopy of colors.

  4. Dana Rodriguez says

    Very pretty there. The leaves haven’t really changed here. Just falling off the trees.

  5. gloria patterson says

    I am planning a road trip this weekend. My friend and I try to go looking at the color about this time ever year.

  6. The colors are beautiful. Here in New Jersey, most of the trees are still green. Waiting for them to change colors.

  7. Peggy Nunn says

    I like the colors too. Fall to my husband means chasing the leaves around and is not a good thing for him. He doesn’t see the beauty, he sees the work. I enjoy it for the two of us.

  8. The fall colors this year in Colorado have been spectacular. First up in the mountains and this week all over town.