A Beautiful Drive in the Countryside

Drive in the Country - Fall SeasonDuring the Autumn season we enjoy packing up the car and taking long drives in the countryside. Sometimes we know where we’re going and at other times…we just go and end up somewhere nice. When we take these drives I like to pack a cooler with brown bag lunches, snacks and beverages. Bug spray, sunscreen and comfortable clothing a must!

We enjoy visiting small towns and the countryside. There are beautiful farmlands in Pennsylvania and often times we’ll stumble by a roadside farmstand where we can shop for fresh produce. We love supporting our local farmers. Plus, it’s a lot tastier than the stuff bought at the grocery store.

fresh produce farm stand

country farm bee keeper honey

On this particular road trip we visited 2 antique shops, 3 farmstards, visited a goat farm (picked up some goat milk soaps & lotions), and a farmer’s market that sells locally sourced honey. I’m allergic to bees, so I didn’t venture too close. It was interesting to see their display on honey bees and the bees buzzing around.

There was a farmer’s field nearby where you saw row after row after row of beautiful sunflowers. I bet there were thousands of blooming sunflowers! You could stop and buy freshly cut sunflowers or they handed you clippers and you could go out into the field and clip them yourself. Totally cool.

Sunflower Farm Fields

If you don’t know what to do with the family or just need some time outside of the house…consider going for a drive in the countryside. You never know what you’ll see and find. We enjoy these mini road trips and do it several times every year.

Shelly's Signature


  1. Jo-Ann Brightman says

    This does sound like a great idea for the entire family. The photos show off the beautiful area where you drove.

  2. Dana Rodriguez says

    What a nice day. It looks like fun. I really love hot you can go to a sunflower field!

  3. These pictures are amazing. That green farmland is just beautiful. I love doing the same thing in our area. You are so right the fruits and veggies are the best from the road side farm stands and from grower’s markets.

  4. gloria patterson says

    Sounds like a fun filled family day. Some times we do but we don’t plan it, just happens. We call it a fun road trip day

  5. Peggy Nunn says

    I want to find roads and places like that to visit. I bet it was so pretty. I like to buy locally also.