For the past few weeks its been pretty noisey around here. You see…we live about 15-20 minutes from a major international airport on the east coast and on good weather days we can see planes coming in for a landing or taking off. We can see them and sometimes hear them depending on how low they’re traveling.
A few weeks ago we noticed something different. An airline or the military (not sure which) are practicing something called Touch and Go Fly-Overs. A friend who’s a pilot told us that it’s common to see planes circling around, coming down for a landing…travel down the runway only to lift-off once a again. Apparently it makes good practice for them.
On one particular day we saw this one jetliner take-off, circle around a few times, land, take-off again, circle around, land…etc. about 4 times in 15 minutes. It was low enough that we got a good look at it (quite large jetliner) and boy….you could hear those engines rumbling in the sky. LOUD!!!
The picture shown above was taken early evening and while the plane was circling around and getting ready for another touchdown. This was our amusement while working out in the backyard that day watching all of that go on.
Do you enjoy watching planes takeoff and land? I know some people enjoy it. I personally don’t, I just have better things to do with my time!
I used to take my boys to the airport to watch planes land and take off. However, I do not like to hear the noise form them overhead too often.
When I was growing up my dad liked to take us kids to the airport and watch the planes. We also got to ride on the trains.
I had no idea that pilots did touch and go flyovers in commercial planes good to know. I enjoy watching the F-15 military flyovers I could watch those all day long they make me proud to be an American even more. Seeing big commercials planes flying low makes me nervous.