The Summer of Stormy Weather in the Northeast

The summer of 2021 in the mid-Atlantic region will go down as being one of the stormiest and rainiest summers in decades. From the start of the season until now we’ve been hit with a minimum of 2 severe thunderstorms every week. I’m talking about a lot of wind, hail, heavy rain, thunder, lightning strikes, and at times tornadoes touching down nearby.

Every week we’ve had to spend time outside cleaning up our property from down tree limbs, shingles that blew off our roof, debris in our swimming pool, a collapsed garden shed roof, 2 broken windows, etc. By August 1st, we were certainly getting tired of it. TIRED OF IT.

The Summer of Stormy Weather in the Northeast

Due to all of the stormy weather it considerably shortened our pool season. We typically can get in our pool 4-5 times a week from the second week in June through Labor Day. Not this year. There were times that we couldn’t get in for a week or so…due to the weather. Our pool has a solar heater, so if it’s cloudy, cool or rainy…forget about it.

Summer will always be my favorite season out of the year but this past summer was ridiculous. Totally ridiculous! Oh…don’t even utter the words Global Warming around me because that had nothing to do with this weather pattern. Our area gets a summer season like this every 10-15 years and has done so for over 150+ years.

Sorry for the areas in the country that experienced drought this past year and if I could send you all of the rain we have gotten, I certainly would. I wouldn’t mind a good 7-10 days of HOT, HUMID and SUNSHINE weather to finish out our summer season. I’m really going to hate closing up our pool until next year. Ugh. Blah.

Shelly's Signature


  1. Wow. The intensity and number of thunderstorms that you have had over the summer would be difficult to deal with. So much cleaning up and repairing of damages. I hope you have a calm fall and I hope we get needed rain in the Northwest.

  2. I am sorry about the damage from the storm. It came thru here and we lost a smaller limb than you did. I am glad both of us did not get more damage than that. We are now getting all that heat you want but I see another possible storm brewing in the Gulf this week. Oh, the issues of living in a Southern state on the coast even 200 miles from the actual water.

  3. This summer in Denver has been mostly dry with hot temps. Right now we have the smoke from the Western wildfires. Too bad we can’t send the rain from the East coast to the West coast.

  4. Jo-Ann Brightman says

    Yes, this year summer started cool and dry, but then turned wet and stormy. There has been flooding in areas that have never had floods.

  5. Wow sorry to hear about all those storms in your area. We are in a major drought here and the wildfire smoke is so thick you can’t even go outside. I hear ya this summer sucked!

  6. gloria patterson says

    WV has also had more than our share of rain. We have flooding in areas that have never flooded before, storm drains backing up. And the temp for the last 8 days, our temp has been 74 or under. I have not opened my windows (not running AC) in over a week.