Post-Pandemic Fears: What is COVID Anxiety Syndrome?
As the vaccination program for COVID19 becomes more successful and lockdowns and restrictions begin to relax or are lifted in many locations around the world, some people are finding it difficult to readjust to normal life. After a traumatic year for many, where staying at home to stay safe has become part of everyday life, going back out and mingling with other people again is a situation that is causing more people to become anxious and fearful.
There are many reasons why people might be suffering from increased fear and anxiety about getting back to normal life after the pandemic. Fears for their health, such as catching COVID since it has not completely disappeared yet, passing the virus on to vulnerable loved ones, or simply fear around going back to working in the office and being around other people on a daily basis after spending so much time working from home are all valid reasons to feel anxious and stressed right now.
For many people, it’s the idea that they are still at risk of catching COVID that is leading to COVID anxiety syndrome. After a year and a half of being told to physically distance from other people and avoid leaving their homes unless absolutely necessary, it’s no surprise that the idea of spending time in public and being around groups of people, especially strangers, is leading to symptoms of worry, stress, and anxiety.
What is COVID Anxiety Syndrome?
After more than a year of hearing about infection rates and mounting death tolls while staying at home to keep ourselves and others safe, most people were already on high alert, experiencing some fear and anxiety regarding the impact that this virus is having on society and on themselves personally. However, research has found that some people are developing a particular set of traits and symptoms, which is now being referred to as COVID anxiety syndrome.
Despite the successful uptake of the COVID19 vaccine program and the fact that COVID infections and deaths are decreasing overall, some people are beginning to experience intense anxiety around getting the virus or passing it on to others.
Some of the most common symptoms including compulsive testing or checking for COVID19 symptoms, continuing to avoid leaving the house or going to public places, even though it may be safe to do so, obsessive cleaning habits, and other maladaptive behaviors. Being resistant to taking public transport or go to the grocery store, or spending hours disinfecting and bleaching areas in the home are symptoms that have raised concern from researchers, who believe that these obsessive avoidance and distress symptoms are unlikely to subside quickly, even as we manage to get COVID19 under control and the risk lessens. Many symptoms of COVID anxiety syndrome imitate or are worsened by the symptoms of other mental health disorders such as obsessive-compulsive disorder or post-traumatic stress disorder.
Signs and Symptoms of COVID Anxiety Syndrome:
For most people today, it’s normal to feel a little apprehensive about going back to normality. After all, we have spent the best part of a year and a half sheltering in place and the way that we used to live is no longer possible. After being isolated from family and friends and hearing a lot of bad news regarding the virus, some anxiety is completely normal as the world tries to get the virus under control and get back to a sense of normalcy once again. However, COVID anxiety syndrome takes most of these symptoms to the extreme. If you are concerned about the amount of anxiety you or somebody else is feeling about COVID19 right now, it might be COVID anxiety syndrome if you are experiencing the following:
* Struggling to think about or focus on anything else other than COVID19
* Anxiety levels that are interfering with your everyday life, such as struggling to go back to work, go to the grocery store, or leave your home in case people are around, even when the risk of catching COVID19 is low
* Isolating yourself from other people and continuing to stay at home even when this is no longer necessary
* Trouble sleeping
* Obsessive cleaning, use of sanitizers, and worrying about surfaces and objects that may not have been cleaned
* Trouble sleeping or sleeping too much
* Feeling bitter, helpless, or hopeless about the pandemic, and feeling like there is no end in sight
* Physical symptoms such as stomach aches, muscle tension, and frequent headaches
* Increased symptoms of other mental health conditions including health anxiety, general anxiety, chronic and general stress, post-traumatic stress, depression, and suicidal ideation
What Causes COVID Anxiety Syndrome?
Researchers suggest that COVID anxiety syndrome is typically caused by a culmination of different factors that have been in place for many people throughout the pandemic. These include fear of catching the virus, uncertainty throughout the pandemic, information about new strains of the virus, and isolating at home. Researchers also suggest that a person’s individual personality traits can also have an impact on how likely they are to suffer from COVID anxiety syndrome, with some people who score higher on neuroticism at a higher risk of developing this condition. On the other hand, people who score higher on traits such as agreeableness, openness, and extroversion tend to be at a lower risk.
Other mental health conditions can also increase your risk of developing COVID anxiety syndrome. People with obsessive-compulsive disorder might be at a higher risk of developing symptoms than others since COVID19 concerns might worsen their existing condition. Other contributing factors include:
* Media Coverage:
The COVID19 pandemic has gained extensive coverage by the media, social media, and news outlets. This has caused many people to become overwhelmed with the amount of information presented to them about the virus and the pandemic, which is often not good news. In addition, the information about how the virus is constantly changing can result in anxiety among some people including mistrust of the vaccination in being an effective method of protecting oneself against COVID19.
* Low Uncertainty Threshold:
Some people are generally predisposed to deal with uncertainty better than others. Those who have a lower tolerance than others for dealing with uncertain situations might be at a higher risk of developing COVID anxiety syndrome. This can also be compounded by their personal level of vulnerability to COVID19 or the vulnerability levels of people they are close to.
* Use of Fear to Gain Compliance:
Researchers suggest that the often unintentional use of fear to guarantee compliance from the public with safety measures and precautions may have played a part in increasing excessive worry and anxiety for some people.
How to Cope With COVID Anxiety Syndrome:
If you are currently experiencing these symptoms, know that you are not alone. The number of people who have sought out help and support with their mental health for many reasons during this pandemic has risen dramatically, even leading to counselor stress as therapists and mental health professionals tried to help everyone they could. However, the good news is that this increased demand has led to more ways for you to get help.
Online therapy, self-help apps, journaling programs, and meditation have become even more accessible to the general public, as those who want to help create more and more ways for people to get the support that they need.
If you are currently struggling with increased COVID19 anxiety and believe that you may be dealing with COVID anxiety syndrome or are at a high risk of developing it, some of the main ways to get help and cope better include:
* Talk to Somebody:
Talking to a professional such as your doctor or a therapist can help to put your mind at ease and give you a different perspective compared to the one that is in your head all the time. Mental health professionals will validate your feelings while helping you overcome debilitating anxiety symptoms and learn healthier coping mechanisms and strategies for the future.
* Don’t Rush:
Take things slow and don’t rush into going back to normal all at once. If you can, speak to your employer about continuing to work from home for a little longer or if possible, returning to the office gradually, such as working one day in the office and the rest of the week at home to start with until you begin to feel more comfortable around other people.
* Seek Positive Messages:
Try to limit your consumption of media stories that have negative messages about the virus and the pandemic. Stay away from news about infection rates and death rates as much as possible and instead, seek out positive messages that demonstrate how far we have come since the start of the pandemic, vaccine development, declining cases, and new treatment options.
* Continue Using Safety Measures:
If it makes you feel less anxious, there is nothing wrong with continuing to wear a mask when in public or using hand sanitizer regularly to ease your anxiety. Plus, it can help you avoid catching the common cold.
COVID anxiety syndrome is a new type of disorder related to feelings of intense anxiety regarding the pandemic. If you’re currently struggling with this, you are not alone, and help is available.