Keeping Your Kids Active During The Winter – Our Guide For Busy Moms

In the summer, it’s easy to get your kids active and keep them occupied with lots of activities such as games and sports.

As the colder weather sets in, it’s understandable that they might want to spend more time indoors, but that doesn’t mean that they have to be inactive.

While screens and modern tech might be tempting for them, you should try to limit their exposure to benefit their health and general wellbeing.

After all, with obesity in children rising in the USA, you need to make sure that your child remains active throughout the winter months and doesn’t become overweight.

Keeping Your Kids Active During The Winter

Excess weight could cause them numerous health problems, both physically and mentally. If you’re unsure how to get your kids off the couch, then here are some inventive ideas.

Encourage Them to Join a Sports Team

Junior sports teams are a great way to motivate your child to stay active, as well as building their social skills. Most sports teams have access to indoor and outdoor facilities, so they can train and play all year round. So, if you want your little one to stay active in the cold weather, then you should try to encourage them to join a sports team. There are many types of sports teams out there for kids, so you can find a local one that your child enjoys.

Get Them a Smartwatch and Set Goals

Smartwatches aren’t just for adults; they can also be a useful tool for keeping children active and motivated. If you’re looking for a smartwatch for kids, then check out the COSMO JrTrack 2™ Kids Smart Watch. The watch is not only great for tracking their activity and allowing them to set goals, but it also tracks them, so you can find them if they stray out of sight while playing outside. Giving your child this device will give you peace of mind and encourage your little one to be more active in their play.

Spend Time Outside Whenever the Weather is Dry

Just because it’s cold outside doesn’t mean that your children can’t still play. You can still take them outside and let them play when it’s dry and not raining, as long as they have warm clothes to wear. If you have a yard, then let your little ones play during the winter when it is not raining. If you don’t have a yard, then take them to the park as often as you can, so they can still play outdoors even in the colder weather.

Buy Indoor Active Toys

For winter days when the weather is wet or too cold to go outdoors, you’ll need to find some indoor activities to keep your child occupied. While it’s easy to want to plonk them in front of the TV or a tablet computer, you should try to play with them and keep them moving if possible. See if you can find some indoor toys and games for active play to make playtime fun and keep your little ones moving. Being active indoors will mean that they burn plenty of energy and also have loads of fun.