How to Move Your Fam to Your Beachfront Career Opportunity

How to Move Your Fam to Your Beachfront Career OpportunityFor families with small children, letting them know that you are moving to a beachfront paradise may reduce a lot of their resistance to the process. That being said, a move from a cold state to a much warmer climate may make you wonder about what to do with all the down comforters and heavy coats. Your kids may wonder what will become of their sledding gear? Here are tips on how to deal with preparing your family for a drastic change of living style.

Strategically Lighten the Load

If you have both a casual family room and a more formal living room, consider only moving your favorite set of furniture. Work to leave part of your new space open, so you can enjoy better air movement and perhaps choose lighter weight items and more breathable fabrics for your beachfront furniture.

Higher humidity levels in a sunshine state mean that you may not be comfortable on

* leather, because it will feel clammy
* vinyl, as you may stick
* suede, which may add too much heat around your body as you try to relax

Bring a favorite few pieces and consider selling or donating the items you don’t need.

Use Your Suitcases

If your children are old enough to manage their own suitcase, make sure everyone has a bag that includes a couple of changes of clothing, pajamas, and toiletries. If the adults can double up on personal items, try and pack another bag with

* bedding for each person
* towels
* toiletries

Load up your pillows in plastic bags and stash them between the mattresses in the moving truck. When the beds get set up, each member of your household will have the bedding and the pillow they need to sleep comfortably, as well as clean fresh sheets. A good night’s rest after an exciting day of moving is more important than you’d think.

When you get off the plane and head to your new home with your family, you’ll have the colored dot map with you. Make sure that each door has a sticker in the appropriate color so whoever carries the box off the truck will know exactly which room it belongs in. Using a company that specializes in car shipping to Florida, or other beachfront states may even allow you to have your family vehicle dropped off at the airport or your new home. Moving in this way is a lot easier for young children, and leaves parents refreshed for the days of unpacking and organizing ahead.

Go Minimal in Your New Home

Carefully consider heavy clothing, blankets, flannel bedding and other bulky items before you pack them up. Even one winter in Florida means that your child will probably not be able to wear that snowsuit or use that down comforter again. Look for a children’s resale shop in the area to see if they offer consignment options. If that’s not an option, consider donating cold weather gear to a family shelter.

In addition to getting rid of bulky winter items, you may want to have a moving sale. If you have small children, be prepared to hire a sitter to make this possible. If you have older children, enlist their help and offer incentives to keep them interested. This payout will be well worth the uninterrupted time you will need so you can be packing and cleaning efficiently.

Watch Your Budget

Unless your company is paying to help you move, be prepared for a more expensive move than in years past. Before you get started packing, take a hard look at your current storage, your pantry, and your freezer.
Spend a couple of hours each weekend meal planning. No, this is not directly related to moving. However, with an accurate inventory of your remaining stock of supplies, you can use up what’s in your refrigerator and pantry, keep your food bills down in the weeks before your move, and lose less to waste.

Life on the beach is inherently streamlined. You may need to relocate to a smaller home, depending on budget and property availability. However, for a lot of the year, you can easily dine, relax and even work outside. Life in a smaller house may be well worth the trade of living in a tropical paradise.