How Can You Boost Your Mood With Food
Your food and your mood are closely interlinked. One can affect the other, and you should be careful about engaging with both in a healthy way.
Of course, people have been struggling to emotionally cope in recent times for a multitude of reasons. If you do find yourself edging towards a pit of despair, it is crucial to wrench yourself out of it. Otherwise, you may find yourself indulging in more unhealthy foods, which could spiral into unfitness and weight gain.
Still, food can also have a key role in supporting a more vibrant lifestyle. If you want some tips on how you can boost your mood with food, keep reading.
Nurturing Positivity
Lots of people have a meaningful relationship with food. It can be a great source of positivity that’s endlessly dynamic.
Food can stir a broad range of poignant feelings. For example, it can:
* Mark special occasions beautifully – Birthdays and anniversaries are often marked with a good meal. They can be made much more special and memorable for their inclusion.
* Strengthening relationships – Preparing meals for others is a great way to display affection. It shows that you’re a caring person and that you’re willing to put in a lot of effort to help someone. Additionally, if you make someone’s favorite dish, it can show how well you know them.
* Trigger nostalgia – Cooking a dish the way a long lost relative may have done can create a strong emotional reaction. The recipes themselves can be sacred family heirlooms. You may also recall fond memories from long ago.
* Comfort food – Junk food isn’t too bad for you so long as you consume it proportionately. On days when life isn’t going your way, a pizza or a tub of ice cream can be a comforting companion. If you fancy homemade comfort food just take a look at this fudge recipe. A great old-fashioned treat and super easy to make!
If you are stuck in a tedious daily routine, you may be eating the same things every night. However, there are numerous ways to add more depth and excitement to your mealtimes. Dig up something special, cook for someone you care about and indulge your tastebuds on occasion. It can all have a knock-on effect on how you go about the rest of your life.
Avoiding Intolerances
Some people fall into numerous traps when they consume food. They may need to stay away from certain dishes due to dietary requirements or allergies.
Intolerances can cause rashes, excess gas, and bloatedness. However, some can also cause mood-related shifts too. For example, this guide to low sulfur diets mentions that intolerance can cause all of those effects outlined above, as well as ‘brain fog’. According to their guidance, this can impair your ability to think clearly and focus, which may in turn cause feelings of uneasiness. If you want to learn more about a low sulfur diet, consult the guide above.
Sometimes, feeling ‘off’ can often be attributed to just having ‘one of those days’. However, it can sometimes be a direct cause of the food you are eating. Do some further research and eliminate certain foods from your diet, and see how you feel afterwards. You have time to experiment, and you can always reintroduce certain foods to your life after your process of elimination.
Helping the Planet
The food you eat could have enormous ramifications for the planet as well. Therefore, going an eco-friendlier route could give you a mood boost as you help animals and those around you.
There are many ways you can consume your food in a way that benefits the environment. Remember that attitudes around food consumption are changing worldwide and that there are now many options to consider when putting things on your plate. Try to consider the following:
* It’s better to buy food from local farmers who incur self-sustaining production practices.
* Labels will be on some product packaging to certify eco-friendly manufacturing.
* You can always grow your own food if you are dissatisfied with the initiatives in your area.
* A meat-free diet can help substantially. You can also cut back on your meat consumption if you do not wish to swear off meat entirely, as that will also make a difference.
* Food often comes with plastic packaging, which can be recycled very easily.
Do not fault yourself for any missteps or failing to follow all the bullet points above. So long as you try to make a difference in your own way, you will be contributing to bettering things.
You can help yourself by helping others. Bedding down for the night knowing that you ate well and did your bit for the world can stir feelings of contentment within you. Perhaps you could even inspire those around you into following your example?
Staying Productive
The consumption of food is not the only thing you should consider. After all, food preparation has plenty of therapeutic qualities as well.
For many people, cooking has been the perfect counter to anxiety disorders. It can lend structure to somebody’s day, bring members of a household together in a teamwork task, and cause feelings of satisfaction when what’s made is delicious.
Still, there are other benefits to consider too. These could be:
* Where your cooking might lead – Some people become so passionate about their efforts that they create businesses and side hustles, profiting from their work.
* Prevent bad eating habits – When your mood is low, you may feel tempted to sit around, eat ice cream, and watch Netflix. While that’s a valid way to spend a day in proportion, you may feel more accomplished by getting up and creating a healthier meal for yourself.
* Having a creative outlet – Some say the preparation of food is an art form. You could try different recipes, sample unique ingredients, and learn new skills as you take on more complex dishes.
* Giving you something to celebrate – Preparing food is work. Even if what you have made is somewhat basic, you can step back and be proud of what you created. Be sure to celebrate victories big and small when you’re feeling down!
As you can see, food can be enjoyed in all its forms. You may have known much of these points already, but they can easily be forgotten when your mood is soured. Stay busy with food, and you may find it easier to stay happy and hopeful.