Paying Our Respects to Veterans on Memory Lane in Wildwood

Memory Lane in Wildwood New JerseyWe love to travel and any time we stumble upon veteran’s memorials we like to stop and pay our respects. On a recent trip down to Wildwood we took the time to visit the Memory Lane and Veteran’s Park located a block or two from the Wildwoods Convention Center in New Jersey.

It’s a fairly new veteran’s memorial that was built within the past 2-3 years. They keep it beautifully maintained and it’s a really humbling to visit. You walk a cement path and alongside the path are markers of service men and women who died during their service. We must never forget our vets…past or present!

Memory Lane in Wildwood New Jersey

The memorials that we saw and visited honored local hometown heroes from Wildwood. They had served and died while fighting in Vietnam and the Korean War. In the center of Memory Lane you’ll find the larger veteran’s memorial that contains all kinds of different information, including the names of each serviceman or woman that is honored there.

Memory Lane in Wildwood New Jersey

This pathway takes only a few minutes to walk and is open year-round. Free to visit! While we were there we placed a bouquet of flowers and a little miniature American Flag at the memorial. It was a humbling experience and if you’re going to be visiting the Wildwood island we highly recommend that you stop by for a visit.

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