PreSchool Kid’s Craft Project – Watermelon Slice Paper Plate Refrigerator Art

Watermelon Slice Paper Plate Refrigerator ArtLooking for a quick and easy pre-school craft project to do with the kids? This project will help to teach kids colors, hand-to-eye coordination, the letter W for watermelon, etc. It can be done cheaply and completed within 30 minutes. If you want to keep it mess-free use crayons, but if you want the kids to get creative you can use markers or watercolor paints. We used crayons.

Watermelon Slice Paper Plate Refrigerator Art

White Paper Plates
Black Acrylic Paint
Paper Towels
Little Plastic Dish

We picked up a pack of 100 white paper plates at our local Dollar Tree store. You can buy crayons, markers, paints, glue, scissors, stickers, etc. all for a buck each at that store which helps to keep your crafting costs down.

Cut the paper plate in half. Color the outer edge with a green crayon and the center of the watermelon with a red crayon.

Squirt a little bit of the black acrylic paint into a plastic dish. Add just a few drops of water, stir it around. We liked it watered down a little bit. Have the child dip their fingertips into the black acrylic paint and then use their fingers to “dot on” the watermelon’s seeds.  Let it dry for about 20-30 minutes. If desired, add the child’s name on the front or back along with the date.

You now have a brand new piece of refrigerator art made by your child. As parents and grandparents we love decorating the front of our fridge with their creative artwork!

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