Star Wars Darth Vadar Mr. Potato Head – Perfect Gift for Young Fans!

Like his Pappy, my almost 6 year old son loves the Star Wars movies, games and toys. Every year when his Birthday, Easter or Christmas roll around you’ll find a few Star Wars item on his wish list. When we’re in the toy aisle at a department store he’s always drawn to those toys first.

* Item personally purchased by the writer. This post contains affiliate links.

Star Wars Darth Vadar Mr. Potato Head

A few months ago I spotted a Star Wars Darth Vadar Mr. Potato Head over on Amazon and snatched it up for my son. It was part of his Easter gift this past spring. One of the things I like about this over-sized Mr. Potato Head is that all of the pieces store inside it which keeps everything together and nothing gets lost.

The helmet comes off and you’ll store all of the play pieces down inside it. There are a lot of pieces so that kids can change out all of the facial features and experience something different each time they sit down to play with it. It’s made out of a hard plastic material so it will hold up well over the years and can be passed down from child-to-child.

He likes to take it with him when he goes over to Pappy and Nanny’s house for play time. I admit, my Dad totally enjoys sitting down with my son and playing with it. That’s what happens when you get two big Star Wars fans in the same house. They will sit for hours playing with that thing!

If you’re a part of a child who loves Star Wars I highly recommend getting one or two of the over-sized Mr. Potato Heads for your child to play with. Once they grow out of the toy I would save it. A lot of these type’s of toys become collectibles later on down the road.

* This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, we may or may not receive a small commission which helps to support this site. Thank you!

Disclaimer: Writer personally purchased the item featured in the post. She’s sharing her unbiased and honest opinion on the item with the readers of the TCC blog. Your opinion may differ.