How to Start Roots on Baby Spider Plants
I enjoy tending to a wide variety of indoor houseplants. At the time of this blog post I have 17 mature houseplants and over 15 starters waiting to be planted. I’m not an expert gardener and always learning new things.
There are a wide variety of different plants that are perfect for growing inside your home. The hoya is just one of my favorites along with spiders, pickles, succulents, ferns, and a few others. I tend to stick to varieties that are easy to grow, no green thumb needed!
Spider Plants are one of my favorite houseplants to grow. I have 3 mature ones hanging up in different rooms in front of large windows. They like sunlight and only need watered 1-2 times every week. They don’t require much care at all. Mine are always producing babies that I like to root and give to other people.
How to Start Roots on Baby Spider Plants
To get started you’ll want to snip off your spider plant shoots from the mother plant. Use only healthy looking shoots that are free of disease. I save our little plastic oatmeal cups, small butter dishes, plastic frosting containers, etc. They’re the perfect size for rooting your plants or starting plants from seeds.
I fill up my little plastic dishes 1/2 way with warm filtered water. I place the shoot (baby plant) inside the water and sit them on my growing shelf in my sun room. That room is nice & warm and gets a lot of decent sunlight throughout the day. I check the dishes once a week and add water when needed.
Once you see a good root system on your plant it’s time to plant them! I lay mine out on a paper towel for an hour or so before placing them in a pot filled with dirt. I don’t like planting them with soggy-wet roots. Once I have them planted in the pot I gently water them (don’t over-water). I like to add a Miracle-Gro Indoor Plant Food Spike to each pot.
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