Healthy Gardening: 5 Superfoods to Grow in Your Garden

During these trying times, the best way to maintain oneself is to live and eat healthily. The COVID-19 pandemic brings a period of reflection that the best wealth a person can possess is wealth in health. People witnessed lives being taken away as swiftly as the wind moves around, so it is vital to take care of one’s health.

What is healthier than having a garden full of superfoods? Since the pandemic is still very much around, it is ideal to stay at home most of the time to avoid the consequences of getting out. Having a super accessible superfood garden would make one spend less and spare oneself of all the possible risks of going out. However, what are these superfoods that are not only super healthy but also super easy to grow?

5 Superfoods To Grow In Your Garden

Read on because here are five (5) of them:

Sweet Peas

Did you know that protein (vegan) powder manufacturers use peas as a base? This shows how healthy peas can be. Peas, in general, are excellent sources of different vitamins and minerals human bodies need to survive and develop healthily. In consuming peas, one would have enough vitamin K, which prompts the body to produce osteocalcin, which hardens the calcium in the bones, making them stronger and healthier. Learn More about sweet peas here.

Of course, peas don’t contain vitamin K alone. It possesses more essential vitamins and minerals such as antioxidants like vitamin C, E, and Zinc. They also have an essential fatty acid called Omega 3, which is good for the heart. Vitamin B is also present, which is crucial in regulating homocysteine, a trigger for cardiovascular diseases. This proves that eating peas could make the heart healthy.


Fun fact: avocados are so healthy that Aztecs used them as their primary source of nutrients. Avocados are known to have monounsaturated fats. These are healthy fats that many nutritionists consider as one of THE superfoods. Monounsaturated fats are dietary fats that greatly help in weight loss and reduce risk factors for heart diseases. They are liquid at room temperatures and solid in cold climates.

Avocados are packed with nutrients and are an essential superfood. They have lutein, which is an antioxidant that is good for the eyes and skin. They also have magnesium which is necessary for calming the nerves and increasing one’s energy, folate for reducing the risk of macular degeneration (age-related), carotenoids for the protection of vision, and supporting male reproductive organs and cardiovascular organs.


Recent studies have concluded that mushrooms are, in fact, more healthy than what was previously learned. They are loaded with numerous vitamins, and they contain no gluten or cholesterol, which is why nowadays there are so many supplements made from mushrooms, such as those from Nature’s Happiness. They are perfect for those who are on a diet. They act as a prebiotic inside the body, which cleanses the digestive system. They are rich in antioxidants that boost the immune system.

However, one has to make sure not to overeat since it was proven to cause panic, anxiety attacks, vomiting, and diarrhea. It was concluded that one could eat at least five buttons per day to consider it in the umbrella of healthy mushroom consumption. Mushrooms can help protect the brain from neurological illnesses as it ages. A healthy diet and exercise plus the right amount of mushrooms per day could enable one to have a healthy brain.

Sweet Potatoes

Potatoes are an all-time favorite for many people. They are starchy, sweet, nutritious, and can be added to almost any dish. One can get creative and make any snack or viand in mind out of this superfood; rest assured, they will always taste good. Ast for the nutrients, one won’t be disappointed since they help the human body in many ways.

Sweet potatoes are fiber-rich. This means that eating them will lessen the chance of one having colon cancer in the future. Additionally, fiber helps in bowel movements, so one can be assured of gut health protection when consuming sweet potatoes. Furthermore, they contain beta-carotene, which helps the eyes by making vitamin A so light-detecting receptors form.


Last and most definitely not the least, the good old broccoli. Their reputation for being an ultimate superfood has been going on for a long time. Lists like this won’t be complete without this tasty and nutritious vegetable. They are known to contain Vitamin C, which is used by the body to produce collagen. This nutrient is good for the bones and skin. Collagen can help in preventing skin damage which includes wrinkles.

This vegetable is proven to aid in digestion by containing dietary fibers. This would regulate the digestive system and promote a healthier digestive tract, which lessens the chances of having colon cancer and preventing constipation. It is also worth noting that broccoli has an anti-inflammatory effect since it contains an antioxidant called sulforaphane which helps reduce inflammatory markers in the body.


Try to be practical during this pandemic. Utilize resources such as a garden to lessen the number of times you go out in public. The risk and consequences are never worth it, and doing practical garden projects like this would greatly help your body and mental health.