Beautiful Wild Canadian Geese

Beautiful Wild Canadian GeeseMy mom and I are avid walkers and try to get out on a walk at least 4 times a week weather permitting. During the hot summer months we get out early in the morning or later in the evening to avoid the heat. Another great time to walk is right after a storm blows through and cools it down.

One morning after a storm came through we headed out on our daily walk. We got 200 yards or so down the street in my neighborhood and stumbled upon 7 beautiful Canadian Geese hanging out in one of my neighbor’s front yard! All of them were adults, no little ones around.

We stood there watching them for about 10 minutes before we moved on. They didn’t seem afraid of us at all and as you can tell…we weren’t too far away from them. I love nature and wildlife so I was pretty excited to have seen them! Beautiful, just beautiful!!!

Shelly's Signature


  1. Jo-Ann Brightman says

    We have Canadian geese near us a lot. I often go down to the pond with my granddaughter to watch them.

  2. Very neat to see them walking in a group like this. The other day we heard the crows making a big squawk and looked up to see 2 adult bald eagles with 3 young ones flying overhead. Another time when we heard the crows we saw a barred owl flying fairly low. It is amazing to realize what wildlife is around us.

  3. Peggy Nunn says

    I like it that you take a camera with you. You take great pictures.

  4. I love these guys and I so love watching them flying in v formation. This is a great picture thanks for sharing. I enjoy wildlife and nature so much and the older I get the more I appreciate them.