Why I Choose to Wear a Face Mask
Why do I personally choose to wear a face mask? Well, I’m going to tell you. But first…I want to say that I respect the decision that other people have made to not wear one. We live in a country that has afforded us the freedom to make our own choices when it comes to healthcare and other issues. I respect your decision and please…respect mine.
For those of you who don’t know I suffer with a rare genetic disease that causes me all kinds of health problems. On top of that, I suffer with 3 other chronic conditions that make my life miserable. I’ve had over 170+ hospitalizations and 40+ surgeries in my lifetime and I’m ONLY 53 years young. That’s just a little bit of history on why I made the decision to wear a face mask.
I’ve completed both shot #1 and shot #2 of the Covid-19 ~ China Virus vaccine. For those who have chosen to get the vaccine we all know that even with the vaccine we’re not 100% protected from the virus. Second of all…it takes several weeks after getting vaccinated for antibodies to build up in your bloodstream. At this time the medical community is unsure if we will need booster shots (in the future) and how often we’ll need them. A lot of confusion going on among the medical experts.
(photo shows me wearing my mask and my daughter Jenelle)
Due to my chronic health problems I made the decision to get the vaccine and to continue to wear a face mask when I’m out in public. I need all of the protection that I can get. If I would catch the Covid-19 virus I would most likely not be able to fight it, nor survive. It does a lot of damage to the body, especially to those who have pre-existing conditions and other factors. I CHOOSE to PROTECT MYSELF as much as possible!!!
We all have to make decisions for ourselves and our families. It’s an individual decision and people need to learn to respect one another for the decisions that they make. I’m so tired of people acting “crazy” and being disrespectful to one another. Be kind to others, be respectful to others and others will be kind and respectful to you. Enough said.