Why is it that when I drive through our neighborhood 3 days after trash pick-up day that I still see empty garbage cans laying all over the sidewalk, front yards and at times laying in the street? What is up with that?
Over the past few months the problem seems to be getting worse around here. Hey, I get it. Wheeling trash cans around isn’t the most glamorous job in the world. However, it’s a necessary one! I don’t like wheeling them from behind the house to the front curb either. Who does? No one.
As a home owner its your responsibility that after your trash is picked up to get your cans and put them away. They should never be sitting out on the sidewalk, at the curb or on the side of the road 3-4 days after pick-up. That’s lazy folks. LAZY with a capital L.
This gets under my skin for many reasons. It makes our neighborhood look trashy, no pun intended. Second, it attracts creatures to come and investigate that “odor” coming from your can. Third…it’s a health & safety hazard. Those cans once empty can blow out into the middle of the street and cause an accident. Forth, they’re a nuisance to those who walk the neighborhood for exercise or to walk their dogs to walk around them (by walking in the street). Blah.
If you’re a home owner please take care of those empty garbage cans in a timely manner. Don’t let them sit out there for days. Rant over.
I too have seen people leave cans out for too long. I agree that it is both an eye sore and can be a health hazard.
I absolutely agree. I live in a rural area where the cans are left at the end of the driveway. Our street has only one person that takes two days to get it in but on the County Road that we live off of is a different story. There are some people that have their turned over trash cans next to the road until they fill it to be picked up the next day. It does look trashy and these are for some very nice houses. They are 150 yards off the road but PICK UP YOUR CAN AND PUT IT BEHIND THE FENCE. I don’t live a third world city. I am glad someone else said they didn’t like it too.
I live in an HOA and we HAVE to have our cans put away the same day as trash pickup. I agree that it’s an eyesore and health hazard.
Amen! This makes me nuts too. I live in a rural area and people leave their garbage cans on the road days after ‘garbage day’ and sometimes I have to weave around them just to get down the road. It is really dangerous when there is oncoming traffic and I am trying to complete this obstacle course without getting killed! You are right LAZY people.
I never thought about it those terms. I live in a college town and there is always cans sitting out. I guess after all the years you stop seeing them. Now that I think about I have saw cans laying in the street or on the sidewalk. They don’t have to pick them up and carry them just roll them to the back