How to Prepare for a Long-Distance Road Trip

How to Prepare for a Long-Distance Road TripThere is a lot to love about a long-distance road trip, but if you don’t prepare for it properly, you could find that it’s not quite as much fun as you might have hoped. You’ll be uncomfortable and miserable, and you might even wish you had never started out on your journey. If you prepare well, however, you’ll arrive feeling just as good as when you left, albeit a little more tired after driving for many hours or even days.

The key to a successful road trip is to prepare then, but how should this be done, and what kinds of things should be prepared? Read on to find out.

Prepare the Car

Although you might initially start thinking of ways to get yourself prepared for your road trip, and although this is certainly important, the very first thing you need to do is make sure your vehicle is ready for a long trip. Without a good car to get you where you want to go, your road trip might be over before it starts, or you could break down partway to your destination, causing you delays and expense.

Firstly, check that you have the right level of car insurance. It’s wise to speak to a broker at to make sure that your insurance is good and that it will cover everything you want it to. Next, you should check the vehicle itself; the fluid levels for your oil, water, coolant, and brake fluid should be looked at and topped up if necessary. If the trip will be particularly long, it’s a good idea to pack more of these fluids in your trunk to top them up as you go. Finally, make sure the car is comfortable to drive. Take it for a run if you’re not used to driving it since you must be comfortable if the road trip will be a success.

As an added tip, consider equipping your vehicle with a citizens band radio, or CB radio. A CB radio allows you to call for help during emergencies even without mobile reception. This is especially helpful if your car suddenly breaks down in the middle of nowhere. The device also allows you to communicate with other CB users on the road and get traffic updates from them. Other than that, many truckers use it to tune in to the radio and weather channels. Back in the days, truckers used to listen and communicate over CB to get intel on where the traffic police are situated since many of them used to drive over the speed limit to meet delivery schedules. These days, they mostly use it to avoid congested roads and save time.

Get Plenty of Sleep Before You Start

Once you know that your car is ready for the road trip, you can start concentrating on yourself. The first thing to ensure is that you get plenty of sleep the night before you start your trip. Driving is a tiring thing to do, even if it’s not physically demanding in the same way as some other activities are. When driving, your mind is focused all the time, and this can make you very tired. If you didn’t sleep well the night before, then you might feel even worse.

Even if you did sleep well, you shouldn’t plan to drive for more than two or three hours without a break. If you do, this could become dangerous, and it’s certainly not healthy to be sitting in one position for all that time for you or any passengers you might have. Plan your rest stops ahead of time if possible, so you know exactly where you are going and when you intend to stop.

Take Snacks and Drinks

Something that can make a long drive seem even longer and certainly very uncomfortable is hunger and the potential for dehydration. This is why you must take healthy snacks and plenty of water with you. Although you will be planning to stop, as we’ve said above, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be comfortable in between those stops. Keeping yourself alert through food and drink can be an ideal way to help yourself and make your road trip a more successful one.