Why I Chose to Get the Covid-19 Vaccine
I would like to start out by saying this…I respect those who choose to NOT get the vaccine and those who choose to get it. We’re all individuals with different circumstances going on within our lives. We all have the right to decide what’s best with our own healthcare and I 100% respect that.
On Saturday (today) April 24th, 2021 I finished getting the 2-part Covid-19 Vaccine to help combat the China Virus. Why did I choose to get it? Here’s why:
* I suffer with 5 chronic medical conditions. One of those conditions deal with the immune system which puts me at a very high risk of not being able to fight the virus should I catch it.
* My age. I’m 53 years old and my husband is approaching 60 later this year. While we’re not in the riskiest age group, we are indeed older and both with health issues.
* Elderly Parent – My mother is 71 years old with a multitude of medical problems, much like myself. She’s risky due to her age and her medical condition. She got vaccinated and I’m hoping that with hubby and I both being vaccinated that we won’t catch & pass it to one another. The three of us spend a lot of time together.
I don’t trust everything I read on the internet, social media or even the local/national news channels. I certainly don’t trust everything that comes out of the mouth’s of government paid officials. Nope, I’m skeptical and do my own independent research on things. With that said, I’ve been with the same medical doctor who has been treating me for 23 years. I know she always has my best interest at heart and will ONLY EVER give me her best advice for my personal situation. That advice may be different for other patients in her practice.
For those of you who are against vaccines that’s your choice and I respect that. However, you do NOT have the right to harass people who do choose to get it. You don’t know their circumstances and even if you did…it’s called RESPECT. I respect your decision and you should respect mine. Anyway, I just wanted to share a little bit on why I chose to get the Covid-19 Vaccine.
* I’m not a doctor and I don’t pretend to play one on the internet or TV. I’m not dishing out medical advice. I’m not telling you to get it or not get the vaccine. I’m just sharing why I chose to do it and to talk a little bit about some of the disrespect I see going around online regarding that choice.