Craft Project: Painted Soup Can Lids Garden Markers

Painted Soup Can Lids Garden MarkersLooking for a way to recycle those soup can lids? Mason jar lids? If so, these Painted Soup Can Lids Garden Markers craft project is for you! This project can be easily made by older children, adults and seniors with basic art and crafts supplies. I enlisted a few kids in our family ages 8 to 13 years of age to help me make them.

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When collecting soup can lids you want to use a can opener that unseals the lid from the can. This will give your lid smooth edges. Hand wash the lid in a little bit of soapy water and towel dry. They need to be completely clean and dry before beginning this project.

Painted Soup Can Lids Garden Markers

Clean Soup Can Lids or Mason Jar Lids
Drill with Drill Bit
Acrylic Craft Paints
Paint Brush, Water Dish, Paper Towels
Acrylic Paint Pens
Clear Acrylic Spray Sealer, Glossy Finish
Clear Fishing Line

Tips: An old plastic placemat, table cloth or shower curtain makes for a great nonstick painting surface. Cut down larger plastic pieces to placemat size. Lay them on your work surface to protect it from paint. If you don’t have any…a sheet of aluminum foil works just as well. Acrylic Paint Pens aren’t needed but they make a great tool for writing the name of the plant on the garden marker. If you’re a great painter, you can certainly use a brush with paint to add the plant’s name.

Painted Soup Can Lids Garden Markers

Use a drill with a drill bit (an adult) to make a hole at the top of each lid. Base coat your lids with 2-3 coats of acrylic craft paint. Once dry, flip them over and base coat the other side. We like to paint both sides but you can certainly just paint the front side of the lid.

You can get fancy or just use simple designs like we did in our shown examples. None of us are expert painters so quick & easy was the way to go. Once you have painted on your designs and the name of the plant you’ll want to let your lids thoroughly dry…4 to 6 hours.

Take them outside and spray each side of your lid with 2-3 coats of clear acrylic spray sealer. This will protect the painted finish from the outdoor elements. Mine hold up well for an entire garden season. Cut 8-10″ long piece of clear fishing line. You’ll tie that through the hole on your lid and then attach it to your garden stake or tomato cage. That’s it…you’re done!

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