The Importance of Visiting a Denture Clinic

The Importance of Visiting a Denture ClinicIt is reiterated now and again by doctors all around the world that taking care of our oral health is vital. Often we see people being careless with flossing and adequately cleaning their teeth, which results in plaques, causing threads of pain to shoot down their gums. Cavities and gum diseases can be painful. Therefore, it is advised that you visit the dentist biannually for a routine checkup (and dental cleaning) to ensure that your teeth are always in healthy condition. Denture Clinics in the Canada are scattered in large numbers all across the country. Hence, if you’re not in the habit of visiting a dentist, make sure you book an appointment at your nearest dental clinic now and get your teeth a proper checkup.

Why is Oral Health So Important?

Most common occurrences of cavities appear in children. These happen because children usually consume a lot of sugar in candy and sweets without adequate oral health care. Cavities are formed when there are high levels of bacteria in your mouth (mostly from eating sugary foods), which decay the teeth and cause holes. Cavities are prevented in children by ensuring that they brush their teeth with toothpaste (containing fluoride) a minimum of twice a day.

However, oral health does not only influence your mouth. People are generally unaware of the close connection between oral and overall body health. Recent research studies have found that bacteria causing oral infections can also gravely affect other parts of your body, such as your heart. While the body’s natural immune system kills any bacteria that might enter your mouth through food, bad oral hygiene can result in an accumulation too large to destroy. It can cause serious health problems.

It has also been found that gum diseases have a detrimental effect on blood glucose control, leading to diabetes. Such people have to take special care of their diet and administer their sugar intake.

For instance, endocarditis is inflammation of the endocardium (the innermost lining of the heart). It occurs when harmful bacteria (from any sources, such as your mouth) enters the bloodstream and reaches the heart, where it causes an infection.

In addition to this, it is also important for pregnant women to visit the dentist regularly. The birth of low weight babies has been linked with pregnant women having poor oral hygiene.

Procedures Offered at Denture Clinics:

Here are some procedures generally offered at dental clinics all across the United States.

Root Canals

When the soft tissue (called the pulp) below the enamel and dentin layer of your teeth becomes inflamed or infected, a dentist advises a root canal treatment. In a root canal treatment, the infected pulp is removed without taking out the natural tooth. The procedure takes place with the patient being under local anesthesia. The small opening made during the process is filled with dense material to prevent any reinfection. Root canal treatment is a safe operation that ensures that infected individuals get to keep their natural teeth.

Dental Braces

Mostly teenagers (and some young adults) with misaligned or overcrowded teeth get dental braces to get rid of the under/overbite they may naturally have. Such people face problems biting food, and dental braces are the best solution to get the teeth properly aligned. Braces are worn for a long time (the size of which depends upon how misaligned your teeth are), and it is advised to get them at a young age as teeth become more fixated in their position with time.

Different types of braces are available as per your specific need. These include metallic braces that are fixed around each tooth, along with rubber bands that exert pressure on your teeth to align them over time. In addition to this, there are ceramic bands made up of porcelain that are the same color as your teeth, making them less visible to others. To get the teeth in proper alignment, the dentist may also make you wear clear aligners that press upon your teeth and are manually removed. However, clear aligners have to be worn for more than twenty hours every day to ensure they show results in one year or more.

Periodontal surgery

Patients suffering from gum disease undergo periodontal surgery that involves removing the bacteria growing in the gums to prevent the spread of infection. Such surgeries are more effective when you approach the dentist early (so the bacteria do not get a chance to infect the roots of your teeth). There are different sorts of periodontal surgeries concerning various dental ailments, such as flap surgery, bone grafting, and guided tissue regeneration. Flap surgeries are the most common, in which surgeons make a slice in the gums, remove the bacteria and germs beneath, and seal the gums back again. The procedure, though slightly painful, has proven to have the best results.