Our Winter Storm Damage

Two weeks ago we got blasted by two winter storms back-to-back. For 4 1/2 days we had snow, sleet, freezing rain, thunder, howling winds, ice, etc. You name it, we got it. What a miserable week that was! The only time we went out was to salt, shovel and plow. What a mess!

If you’re interested you can read my FIRST POST and SECOND POST on the two winter storms that hit us. Yeah, I hate winter and will complain about it every year. I’m hoping some day soon (like when my husband retires) that we sell our house and move south. I can’t stand the cold weather!

porch damage

Anyway, over the weekend we got out and walked around our property surveying all of the damage we had received. We had numerous tree branches fall down, my one bird feeder was destroyed, our garden shed has “dings” all over the roof from sleet and hail balls pinging it, two rain gutters are down & will need to be replaced, my one doormat has disappeared and take a look at the photo. That’s one of our front porches. We have two and this is the smaller one.

We had a contractor come out today to take a look. The severe cold temperatures, ice, and other crap that we experienced caused the cement (old to begin with) to crumble and crack. It looks nasty! While he was here we got a quote on repairing it. It can’t be repaired but the entire surface of the front porch needs to be replaced! Say what? Yeah. If we go with cement it will be $3,500 and if we go with weather-treated wood it will be $4,800 to replace. Sigh.

My husband is going to get a few more contractors to come out and inspect it along with giving us quotes on what it will cost to totally replace it. What a mess. I’m glad winter is just about over.

Shelly's Signature


  1. Jo-Ann Brightman says

    It show that Mother Nature can always shock and surprise us. I am sorry about your damage.

  2. Oh no. I hate having unexpected expenses like that. I always worry when we have winter storms since we have had trees do damage to our deck in the past. Hope you can find a decent lower bid.

  3. gloria patterson says

    WOW it is hard to believe that you cannot replace your porch cheaper with wood them cement. I have to admit when winter rolls around I am always so glad that I now live in a apartment.

    • We’re pretty upset about it. It’s an expense we didn’t see coming. WE replaced half of the windows in our house last year and last month ordered & paid for the other half. I don’t understand why it’s so expensive. Hubby is going to get a few quotes, I told him he should just build it himself, even though he doesn’t have a lot of spare time this spring.

  4. That is amazing what the cold weather did to your porch. I would be chapped too and that is a spendy fix ouch. So many of my relatives moved away from New York and Pennsylvania to get away from those harsh winters but it sure is pretty country there. I hope that your winter is over and that the spring flowers start popping up.