Guide to Top X Types of Honeymoons
Getting someone to do life with is one of the most underrated achievements in this world. Not all intimate relationships culminate into marriages, and that is why those Canadians who achieve this milestone should be celebrated. You may have dated for months or even years, and you now want to put a ring on it.
A honeymoon is one of the things that will give your life a new start. A wedding is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for many people. How do you ensure that you have a memorable honeymoon? Do you have an idea of where to go on my honeymoon? We linked up with Kevin Cochran, our expert in this area (you can check his profile), who shared some insights on how to honeymoon:
Theme Park Honeymoon
Parks will always have something for us to enjoy. There are many parks that you can visit in Canada and beyond. A wildlife conservancy will serve you well if you both love wildlife. The ideal destination should have all the features that you are looking for.
It even gets better if the park you are targeting has accommodation such that you can spend a few days there. You can as well visit several parks that are close. You must ensure that the timing is right if you want to have a good time in these parks.
Luxury Honeymoon
You may have heard many people say that life is for the living. You can live to this statement and visit various luxurious Canadian destinations and beyond. A good example is casinos where you can play various games, listen to music, and get entertained.
You may not have to travel to have such experiences as you can enjoy free casino games in the comfort of your home. Be ready to learn some new tricks but do not let your losing streak ruin your moments during the honeymoon.
Road Trip Honeymoon
There is no better time to go on a road trip than the moment you have just exchanged your vows. Plan on the areas that you want to visit before you hit the road. You can rent an RV to ensure that you have all the supplies. Book your hotels early and research the areas that you want to visit.
The internet is a good resource to learn what you should expect in different places. Check the terrain and the weather conditions to ensure that you do not get stuck on the road. Plan on the areas that you will visit as such trips can be draining.
Hobby Honeymoon
Are there things that you enjoy doing? A honeymoon is a perfect chance to enjoy such hobbies and have fun. Hobbies differ from one person to the other, so you must ensure that you find a level ground.
For instance, your spouse could be a good singer while you love sports. Create a schedule that ensures that you tend to each other’s hobbies. It can also be the perfect time to learn a new skill. Create a list of some of the things you always want to learn and give them a try.
Adventure Honeymoon
Are you still asking about ‘where to go on my honeymoon? There is no need to worry if you are both adrenaline junkies because there are hundreds of activities you can try. It is time that you explore what is on your bucket list and give it a try.
For instance, you can try mountain climbing and shed those extra pounds. There are also hundreds of sites where you can try ziplining and get over the fear of heights. However, you must ensure that you prepare in advance before you start such adventures.
Beach Honeymoon
Many people will always go to the beach when they want to relax. You can as well have your romantic moments as you play with sand or even enjoy swimming along the beach. You can start with Canadian beaches or even go abroad if your budget allows. You can either visit a private or public beach, depending on your budget.
What type of honeymoon is best for you? Select one or a few of the above ideas and make your honeymoon memorable. Ensure that you include your better half in the planning phase to ensure that you both have ideas that you can enjoy.