Benefits of Stretching & How to Get Started Using a Safe Routine

Benefits of Stretching & How to Get Started Using a Safe RoutineAs we get older, we lose our flexibility and even light exercises can cause muscles to cramp or even strain when we least expect it. To ensure we stay supple, it is important to practice a regular stretching routine. A routine can be performed anywhere, either in the gym or at home. Aside from maintaining our flexibility, stretching has a range of other benefits. Read on to learn more about the importance of stretching.

Getting Started

There are several different types of stretching techniques, the most common forms include:

* Dynamic
* Isometric
* Ballistic
* Passive

Some are easier to do on your own than others. If you do not have a partner helping you, you can do nearly all forms of stretching by yourself using a resistance band. If you want to know more about resistance band stretching, visit this site

Take it Easy

A stretching routine just like any fitness routine should be done slowly as your body gets used to the new movement. The goal is to improve your flexibility, not to get injured. Once you have acquired a resistance band, make sure you understand each technique to avoid overstretching or hurting yourself.

If you are focusing on stretching alone, the best thing to do is to start with 10-15 minutes of dynamic stretching (stretching on the move) followed by 10-12 minutes of static stretching. If you are exercising during the summer, it is important to take certain precautions in warm weather.

When you do your routine, make sure you go through all the major muscle groups.

* Glutes & Hip Flexors
* Quads & Hamstrings
* Lats
* Chest

You can stretch after your daily workout or athletic event or you can do it after a good warmup with includes dynamic movements.

Safety Tips

Although stretching has several health benefits, there are certain times when you should not stretch until your body is ready.

Acute Injury – You should avoid stretching muscles if you have any injuries. Stretching techniques should only be done under the guidance of a therapist.

Chronic Injury – If you have a chronic injury that has been bothering you for years, it is best to practice a stretching routine that has been approved by a sports medicine specialist or physical therapist.

Cold Muscles – It is important to do a warmup before stretching, never go into a stretch routine with cold muscles.

Benefits of Stretching

It is not enough to do aerobic activities and strength training; stretching must also be a part of your routine. Here are just some of the main reasons why stretching is important.

* Flexibility – Regular stretching improves your flexibility.
* Better ROM – Stretching increases your range of movement.
* Sports – It reduces the risk of injury & improves performance
* Stress – It helps to reduce anxiety and stress

Flexibility is vitally important when it comes to performing everyday tasks and exercising or playing sports. Stretching is not something that only gymnasts or elite athletes do, it is there to protect our mobility and independence. To get the best results, stretching should be done daily.