Nature’s Promise Kids Organic Cinnamon Squares Cereal

Two weeks ago I was out running some errands and stopped by a grocery store that I normally don’t shop at. Why you might ask? Well, because it’s a 35 minute drive from my home! The other two grocery stores are within a 5 minute drive. I don’t like grocery shopping, so I like to get in and out as quick as possible.

* This product was personally purchased by the writer.

I typically don’t share my thoughts on cereal on the TwoClassyChics blog but this time is different. My two children usually want breakfast cereals that are high in sugar and/or loaded with marshmallows if you get my drift. They typically don’t go for the “healthier” options.

Nature's Promise Kids Organic Cinnamon Squares Cereal

While I was in the store I picked up two boxes of Nature’s Promise Kids Organic Cinnamon Squares Cereal. Food Lion had it on sale for a really great price. I had never seen this brand before and from what I’ve read online it’s an exclusive brand to Food Lion.

The Nature’s Promise brand is made with simple, honest ingredients with no artificial flavors or preservatives. This cereal is certified by the USDA as organic and each serving is only 130 calories. Even though it says “kids” on the package, I’ve certainly been enjoying it too.

To my surprise and I mean SURPRISE both of my children are loving this cereal. I thought for sure that it would end up only being eaten by my husband and I. Wrong. Both kids love it. My 11 year old daughter loves your typical kid’s cereals but she’s picky about soggy cereal. Once its soggy, she’s done and won’t eat. My 5 year old son will only eat cereals that taste good to him and more on the sweet side. Well, this one pleases them both!

Every 2-3 months I have to get down that way to attend a business meeting so I’ll definitely be stopping in again to pick up a few boxes of Nature’s Promise Kids Organic Cinnamon Squares Cereal. It’s one cereal that my entire family enjoys so that gives me something to brag about!

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Disclaimer: Jenelle has personally purchased the product featured in this post and is sharing her 100% unbiased opinion with the readers of this blog. Post may contain affiliate links.