Cool Castle House in Northern Pennsylvania
A few months ago we took a road trip through northern Pennsylvania and spent a lot of time driving around on backroads and through small towns. It’s one of the best ways to discover new things in your state and it’s always nice to get off the beaten path. At least in my honest opinion.
While on our road trip we passed by this white castle style house sitting up on a hill. The sides of the house are all done in white colored stone with black roofing. It really catches your eye when you’re driving by. We passed by the first time…turn around and went back so I could grab a quick photograph.
The home is definitely occupied as we saw two vehicles parked around back. This didn’t look like a business or bed & breakfast inn. It looked like someone’s residence. There was a long driveway leading up to the house so I didn’t go any closer. Matter of fact, I had to use the zoom feature on my camera to just get that photo.
I don’t remember which road it was on or near what town it was in. Shame on me for not taking any notes!!! With that said, I thought it was very cool and wanted to show you a picture of it today. It’s WAY TOO MUCH of a house for me. I can’t even imagine cleaning it, maintaining it and oh boy…that yard work!!!