Beautiful Things Can Happen Wall Mural in Harrisburg

Beautiful Things Can Happen Wall Mural in HarrisburgHow many of you enjoy seeing outdoor street art and wall murals? Hubby and I are big fans! Every time we’re taking a road trip or driving around we’re looking for new artwork to see. We enjoy photographing it and documenting it over on our travel blog.

In 2019 during the Harrisburg Mural Fest a new wall mural was painted on a 200 foot wall (a cement underpass) on Paxtang Avenue by artist Nathaniel. It was a really ugly wall that needed some attention and beautification. The artist did a wonderful job!!!

It’s hard to get a decent photograph due to the mural’s size and all of the traffic that is traveling Paxtang Avenue and Derry Street. I finally got a decent photo after several passes. As you can see…it’s bright, colorful and quite large in size. It’s eye catching and you can’t miss it when driving by. It has beautified the area nicely!

A new mural fest is coming to Harrisburg in 2021 (later this year) and they’ll be adding several new wall murals around the city. We plan on attending and are really looking forward to it.

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