A heartwarming story about an unlikely friendship between a girl and a lion cub, Lena & Snowball will arrive on DVD, Digital, and On Demand January 12th, 2021 from Lionsgate. The Lena & Snowball DVD will be available for the suggested retail price of $19.98. The perfect new film for your next family movie night.
* This post contains affiliate links. Check out the official movie trailer below.
OFFICIAL SYNOPSIS: Bullied at school and lonely at home, Lena keeps hoping she’ll have a true friend someday. One afternoon, her dreams come true — in the shape of a cuddly white lion cub! Lena tries to keep playful Snowball out of trouble, but the clumsy poachers who kidnapped the valuable cub, and the cruel trophy collector who paid for him, are desperate to get him back. As Lena races to rescue poor Snowball, her new friend Jake will do anything to help. Be careful, or Snowball will melt your family’s heart!
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This looks like a great movie for the family. I love stories about animals and people who befriend them.
This looks like one for our next family movie night. Nice to have a feel good movie to look forward to.
This looks like a great movie for a family movie night. Thanks for the review.
I need to watch this DVD. Will put a smile on my face.
Oh I so have to see this one it looks so cute and family friendly. Thank you for sharing this one as I had not heard of this movie until I read your post.